Original: oil and acrylic on canvas, 48 inches in diameter; © Lee Robinsong 1983
In the summer of 1982, Lee Robinsong lived with his young family in a beach cottage on the south end of British Columbia’s Cortes Island. Three years removed from the busy world of cities and commerce, they lived off the land and sea, increasingly connected to the tides and the cycles of the natural world around them.
“Echoes” pays tribute to this passing moment. In the painting, Lee uses the physical form of the torus to give the viewer a simultaneously inward and outward perspective on Cortes Island’s land, sea and sky. Look carefully and you’ll see the exterior landscape mirrored on the interior.
“As above so below; as below so above; as within so without; as without so within.”
On the middle line where these worlds meet are Shivon, pregnant with Kaeli, and three-year-old Erin, soaking up a long, hot August afternoon.
“Echoes” is an expression of wonder, and a celebration of love and the cycles of life.